Features of ProSkool APP
Below are some of the features of ProSkool APPs
- Easy setup of School Information with features for School name, address, logo, motto, email, and website.
- Setup of session details with features for stating when the session starts and ends.
- Class details with features for class arms, class categories, class-teacher allocation.
- Subject details with features for subject categories, class-subject allocation, and subject-teacher allocation.
ProSkool Benefits to the administration of your School.
ProSkool is a unique, secured School Information Management Software that cuts across every area of school life ranging from registration of students to examination.
It is a web-based school application that works both online and offline (i.e. locally on your school network). It is sociable, customizable and user friendly.
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In today’s digital age, knowing how to code can be likened to being able to read.
When we teach our children to read and write, add and subtract,
we’re teaching them ways to interact with the world around us.
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